Question 1
-"Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness" was first originated from an english philosopher named John Locke who [originally] said "No one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions." It was later put into the Declaration of Independence as "Life, Liberty, and..."
Question 2
-Hamilton, J. Madison, and John Jay wrote the Federalists Papers. The federalists papers were written in order to try and win the ratification of the new constitution from the state of New York. They wrote [in summary] "Hamilton rejects giving power to appoint in hands of the electorate or their legislature. Appointment is the responsibility of the president. Impartiality and the President’s sense of duty to the People are to guide his appointments. Impartiality and merit are to guide the President in his nominations.Problem posed by a Senate with sole power to appoint. Hamilton explains why the President has the power to nominate and is not given the “absolute power of appointment". Hamilton explains the relationship between nomination and appointment. ..etc."
Question 3
-John Locke. promoted an ideology that is coherent with an oligarcial system. He expressed the radical view that government is morally obliged to serve people, namely by protectinglife, liberty, and property. He insisted that when government violates individual rights, people may legitimately rebel.
-Gottfried Leibniz. he believed in auniverse which followed a "pre-established harmony" between mind and matter.
-Emmerich de Vattel. He was most famous for his 1758 work in Droit des gens; ou, princep... In english= The Law of Nations of the Principles of Natural Law applied to Conduct and to the Affairs of Nations and of Sovereigns
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