Monday, September 14, 2009

American Icon Reflection 2 [part 1]

1. I discovered that I usully have very organized writings, but I make it more personal and don't explain myself very well. So I need to work on that more.

2. Punctuate with Purpose and Purpose.
       -I used that because I wanted to give more emphasis and meaning to some lines in my writing more than others. It worked well, and emphasizd the parts of my writing that I wanted emphasized. It helped the message that I wanted to make more clearer, which was cool.

3. If I had one more draft, I would add more quotes and make it more interesting. I probably explain myself some more.

4. "Well, hold on, I say. Things will soon turn my way." Life doesn't stay bad for too long and troubles are just obstacles I need to get over to get to where I dream of being in life.
          -That pretty much ties up the whole artist statement. My life is full of obstacles that I need to learn to vercome, and the lyrics of Mary J. Blige have helped me to realize that. It may not be easy, and even if sometimes I do feel like Im the only one in my situation, it's just a temporary situation that I will get over.

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