Thursday, February 18, 2010

Semester 2 Blog #6

Choose one character from The Grapes of Wrath and list four important quotes said by or written by this character. Explain what you believe these quotes reveal about the character.

Tommy Joad

-"Sometimes a guy'll be a good guy even if some rich bastard makes him carry a sticker."
The shows that Tom is a very strong-minded, against-the-man kind of dude.

-"'Preciate it," said Joad
I think this sorta gives the preview of how Joad talks and his education level. Since i already know the time period is the '30s, just the way he said 'thank you' reveals his life and his class level.

-"Didn' you hear about me? I was in all the papers."
He thinks everyone reads the paper. He must have done something really bad, or something really good. So he pretty much stood out in some way or another.

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