Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Semester 2. Blog #5

Eli's Bloq
Eli's blog was very organized and it wasn't too flashy. His blog did a good job at presenting his information, and it's laid back, chill like his personality. So I guess his blog represents his personality as well.. in a way.

Jasmine Roesner.Robinson's Photo Essay
Jasmine's photo essay was really interesting and caught my attention as soon as I started reading. Unlike my photos (in my opinion), her photos were high quality and were also captivating. It looks like she worked hard on her photo essay and i think that's good that that shows. Her blog is also interesting and organized.

David K.'s Internship Dp Page
Krause's page is extremely professional. He includes every aspect of the internship, and in detail. His video link works, and the picture there compliments the page rather make it look bad. He looks like he took time on his dp page, kand I'm sure his mentor would be proud.

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