Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Semester Reflection

Choose at least three (3) of the following and answer them in depth. I will quote from your answers in your report card comments, so please take time to edit & revise your writing, ensuring that it is ready for public consumption. For each answer, be sure to use specific evidence & examples.

* What have you learned about the way you learn, work, and/or collaborate?

I’ve noticed that I’m not much of a teamwork kind of learner. I do better learning on my own, asking my own questions, and making my own decisions in the work that I do. I get fed up with partners quickly, and that’s a problem I know I need to fix. For example, with the Slaughterhouse5 project, I was mad at my partner after a small argument, and couldn’t stand being around them from that moment. And that was bad, because that was my partner and my grade.
I’m good at learning concepts, and then re-teaching it to others. I guess I sort of give up a little faster than most when I don’t understand concepts. I try for a little while to understand something, but if I don’t understand it in a short amount of time, I give up and hope to learn it later. But the good thing is that I do eventually learn it. So I don’t finish a grade without understanding every concept taught. For example, in math class, I never understood the Unit Circle. Oh my gosh, the Unit Circle gave me a stomach ache just thinking about it or looking at it. It was so confusing, and I couldn’t remember the different numbers and ‘sin’ and ‘cos’. Once the final came, I was determined to understand the Unit circle, and had a one-on-one with Darren (the math teacher) so he could show me the Unit Circle and clear up all the unclear areas with it. And after, I asked Sai and Ruben if they needed any help with it because I felt I had a good grasp of it.

* Describe one valuable mistake you made this year.

One valuable mistake I made this year would be slacking. I got lazy, and decided not to do some essays and projects that needed to be done. I didn’t turn in some work, just because I felt my grade would still be good with or without it. When Sabrina was teaching, I slacked off, and didn’t turn ina couple essays I should have. One essay wasn’t turned in because of some technical errors, but I didn’t try very hard to fix it. The other essay wasn’t turned in because I wanted to enjoy my time. My grades suffered because of it. That was a big mistake that left me with a B instead of the A I know I could have gotten. It shows me that doing the work, even at times where I don’t feel like it, can be beneficial in the long run. I should finish work when it’s first given so I don’t have to worry about it later on down the road. I didn’t procrastinate this year... I just didn’t do the work. And that’s worse.

* What is your greatest strength as a student in a project-based learning environment?

I think my greatest strength is that I like to be creative. I like to think of different ideas to present work and the concepts I’ve learned aside from the traditional essay and quiz afterwards. Media Saves the Beach helped me retain a lot of the information taught in biology class on testing, water pollution, the causes, etc. In getting the research for the painting, calling companies and the information I found, has also stayed in my mind. Building, molding, sculpting, and painting different things helps me learn things better and it sticks in my brain longer.

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