Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Freedoms Associated with Ampersand:
 I picked my own topic to write about for story in Ampersand, and I think that freedom is good becuase it's self motivated. I'm not confused about what I want to write; I know the topic of my story, and the ideas are my own. With the freedom we've had with ampersand, I haven't really been pressured to get my draft done by any certain time. But since I chose to write about what I'm writing about, I'm interested in it, and what it to get done. So I've made sure I kept thinking about what's needed to get done and I know I have to get it done by friday. And I'm not stressed.

Numerous Structures Associaated with Ampersand:
 We haven't really had that much structure, I guess, with Ampersand. But from what I see in class, and with myself, it is getting done. The honors' responsibility is good, a little bit confusing too. But it's structure, and it makes the over all responsibility easier. It doesn't get in the way of  everyone's writing progress or anything.

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