Monday, December 14, 2009

Honors History Blog #4

My successes this semester as an honor student would be my determination to get my work done, and balancing my school work and honor work. At first, I thought it would be a challenge to have the normal class work, and trying to remember the honor work, but i think I did really good a planning which assignments to do, and I did better than I thought I would do in getting the assignments done on time, and remembering what to do ad when it was due.
I would looked at Audreys homework blog more, so I could be sure that I had my due dates right. I would have also used my planner more to remember the due dates and multiple assignments. 
For the next semester of honors, I want to plan more, and schedule my time better so I won't be so busy and stressed with the amount of work. I also want to make sure I ask for help more because I seemed to ask for help at the last minute this year, which is something that kind of made me more stressed than Is should have been. 
 I would pick my Gatsby essay. I did better on the essay than I thought I would. I was confused about the book, and felt that I was looking at it from a completely different perspective than everyone else was. So my confidence on my essay wasn't as high as it should have been. But my grade was good and I was extremely happy with it.

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