Monday, November 9, 2009

Blog #21: Chapter 1-4 Gatsby

Gatsby seems like he's new to the environment, like Nick. But Gatsby found a way to become popular and well-known by having parties, and showing everyone around that he was one of the wealthiest guys in the West Egg. Nick, on the other hand, lives in an apartment between the rich people, and keeps to himself. He hangs out with the few people he knows and meets through his already known friends. Nick hangs out with people that have different habits and morals than him, like Tom and Myrtle, or Gatsby and Ms.Baker. Gatsby is surrounded by people that don't really know him, like Nick. They have rumors about Gatsby, and most have never met him, and if they saw him, they wouldn't know who he was. Nick is hanginig out with this people that have lived in new York for a big chunk of their lives, and he's from the mid west. Everyone is absorbed by their money and having fun, he's just like a bystander, and doesn't really deal with the money spending type stuff.

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