Friday, November 20, 2009

Blog #25 The Great Gatsby

By Mariyah Gillis

One time or the other in our lives, one will experience happiness. People often assume that money, ideas and other people are the result of their happiness. In the Great Gatsby, Nick uses the characters; Tom and Gatsby, to teach the reader that material possessions are not reliable sources of contentment and only bring temporary happiness. Some people live their lives going mad chasing after money, hoping that money will bring them joy. Others use make-up in hopes that it will show their beauty and in-turn creates happiness. The realization is happiness is an internal emotion, only controlled by ourselves and inner being. No one or nothing can create happiness. Thus, we are in control of our emotions. Nick shows this lesson through the actions of the other characters in the novel.

Objects, fade, shrink, die, break or are misplaced. Items do not last forever. Tom low in self esteem and unhappy with the life he already had and the marriage he was currently in, needed a pedestal to make himself feel better. No matter where he was whether it was in Paris, Chicago, or New York, he needed something/someone to give him the same feeling of importance he once had, when he reached his “acute limited excellence” at twenty-one. He yearned to be on a pedestal, the pedestal he once was on in college. As a result, he found another woman to give him the attention that he desired and make him feel important once again. When he received the news from her husband, the news that she was planning to move away, he was devastated. Later the same day, his mistress died in an automobile accident and his pedestal obliterated. The emotions that he invested with the mistress were negatively impacted because she was an unreliable source of happiness.

Gatsby, a once poor farmer from the States invested his happiness in past memories of Daisy. He lived his life trying to relive those once happy moments. Since she was wealthy and was considered highly affluent. He trusted that wealth, parties, and big houses and bright lights will attract her once again so that he could relive those memories. He spent his entire life trying to attain the very riches that he thought would attract her. However, she never noticed the grandiose parties he had and the bright lights went unnoticed. Daisy did see Gatsby, and his memories were now reality for a moment. But after a while, Daisy departed from Gatsby, and moved away. Nick shows how Gatsby uses material items to try and draw Daisy back to him. In the end, she doesn’t go back to Gatsby, and he’s left alone in the world purposeless. He put all his faith in riches, objects, and memories and they were unreliable sources of satisfaction.

Basing your joy on objects and unreliable possessions only bring brief satisfaction. Nick tells his story at a time, in American history, where our nation dramatically reduced moral and values, and focused on riches and assets. Myrtle Wilson, the wife of a used auto salesman, yearned to be rich. Money and wealth was the foundation of her happiness. She met a man (Tom) who provided her with the material objects that made her feel prosperous and distinguished above those around her. “I want to get one of those dogs,” she said. And Tom provided her with a dog. The apartment they shared was small, and “crowded to the doors” with things she didn’t necessarily need, nor want. For her, Tom was her way out. She was happy with him. But it was only momentary happiness, because she had to go back home to her husband the next morning.

The characters in the book, “The Great Gatsby”, based their pleasure on commodities which solely gave them temporary happiness for the moment. Nick presents this lesson throughout his retelling of ‘The Great Gatsby’.

Blog #24

Sewage Coastal Problem

"...sewage pouring into the world's seas and oceans is polluting their water and coastlines and endangering the health and welfare of the people and animals that inhabit them..."


Sewage causes bacteria to enter the wate, and harm any mammal or sea creature that is vulnerable, such as humans, otters, and birds, Maybe even some fish. Pollution takes a toll on a variety of creatures.


BLOG #23: Environmental Current Events

Oil is leaking from an offshore drilling rig in the Timor Sea near Australia's Northwest coast. Authorities say it will be weeks before the leak is plugged: they are awaiting the arrival of a drilling rig from Singapore to plug the leak.

"This is a potential disaster for turtles, whales, dolphins, sea birds and sea snakes. The oil and gas spill is still not under control and is expected to continue leaking for two months. Depending on winds, the slick could be pushed to atolls like Scott and Ashmore Reef - areas that are globally significant for their unique wildlife," warns Dr. Gilly Llewellyn, Conservation Manager with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Australia.
Mission Bay Water Quality
Madison's Blog
This is important because having people study water qualities and making it public is informal to the people so they can either take action against the pollution and uncleanliness of the water, or to stay away fromm the water, so them or their acqauintances don't get any illnesses.
Wal-marts Illegal Run off
Wal-mart's storm run-off has been affecting the nearby waters and now have to pay a $3.1 billion law suit from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Storm water laws have been placed, and Wal-Mart is now liable for the storm water pollution. All the Wal-Mart companies (wal mart superstore, sam's club, and wal-mart markets). The government is making sure superstores and big companies follow that storm run-off implementations to the 't'.

Fifth Circuit Restricts Reach of "Navigable Waters" Under OPA

The government sued landowners thart had been leaking oil. They went to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and they found the landowners liable for the costs of the U.S. government cleaning up the spill.
This shows that the U.Ss government is really paying attention to oil pollution all around the board, and making sure people follow the implemented laws to stop the distruction of our waterways and ocean life.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Honors Essay #3

      by Mariyah Gillis

      The 1920's was a new decade in American history. America went through significant changes after the war in culture, society, U.S. economy, technology, and more. The most significant changes made in America during this time, also called the Roaring 20's, was it's new choice in music, underground hustle, and the worth put on women.
      Jazz music was the most popular music of the day and connected blacks and whites rich or poor. From small clubs on street corners to radio stations across the country, jazz was everywhere. It sprung up in New Orleans, as "basement" music, and took United Staes by storm. Everyone enjoyed it. The 1920-1929 was the Jazz age, and everyone knew it.
     While jazz was America's mainstream, available for eveyone and anyone willing and able to hear, alcohol had become famous underground. Even though it was banned in the country, it was still sold and consumed every day; smuggled into America by bootleggers. The bootleggers got their alcohol supply from Mexico, Canada, and the West indies. Some people made the substitute alcohol, which was extremely dangerous, using wood alcohol or medical supplies. Alcohol was everywhere in America if you knew where to look. Many people (like Scarface) took advantage of the underground business and became rich. The law didn't really know how to stop the mafias and organizations that gained their riches from the illegal business.
     Meanwhile, the police steady trying to cut down on the alcohol coorporations. New laws were being made for the rights of women. The 19th Amendment allowed females to vote and cooperate with the country's business, which changed them from the average 'housewives' to the participators in America. Females' wages were also raised from the low wages were also raised from the low unfair pays to a price more equal to their quality of work and time. Women were gaining a stance in the country for the first time.
      Which in turn, is why the new outlook on women, music, and the underground alcohol affairs were the most significant changes in America's roaring 20's.

BLOG #23: Environmental Current Events

Oil is leaking from an offshore drilling rig in the Timor Sea near Australia's Northwest coast. Authorities say it will be weeks before the leak is plugged: they are awaiting the arrival of a drilling rig from Singapore to plug the leak.
"This is a potential disaster for turtles, whales, dolphins, sea birds and sea snakes. The oil and gas spill is still not under control and is expected to continue leaking for two months. Depending on winds, the slick could be pushed to atolls like Scott and Ashmore Reef - areas that are globally significant for their unique wildlife," warns Dr. Gilly Llewellyn, Conservation Manager with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Australia.
Currently measuring at least 85 kilometers, the spill is directly in the path of many migrating species, including loggerhead turtles, dolphins, and the pygmy blue whale, a subspecies of its larger relative. Tons of dispersant chemicals have been dropped in the contaminated water.

Llewellyn is especially concerned for sea turtle hatchlings. "[They] spend a huge amount of time on the surface of the water. Unfortunately, this means that recent hatchlings from the beaches and islands of North West Australia could be swimming into the slick," she says.

Australian media has reported that there may have been a cover-up in the size and scale of the oil leak, after Australian Senator Rachel Siewet, a member of the Green Party, flew over the oil spill and claimed it was worse than people had been told and that it could reach Australia's coast. She also said that she saw whales swimming near the oil.

Australia's Federal Resources Minister Martin Ferguson denies Siewet's report, saying that the spill is far from the coast (80 miles) and is dispersing in the water naturally.
It is estimated the drilling rig has been leaking 470,000 liters a day since August 21st. The rig is owned by Thailand-company PTTEP Australasia.

Oil is leaking from an offshore drilling rig in a Sea near Australia. And no one is stopping or trying to solve it.

Oil is leaking and no one is solving the issue. They keep drilling.

Why are they drillinghtere, and who is involved.

People know the effects their business has on the marine life and the ocean in general, yet they still continue hazardous acts.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blog #22 MSB organizations

San Diego City Council District 6
[The mission statement is really long, and talks about all aspects of the water conservation solution.]
[This talks about all of the missions for the Clairemont area]

The san Diego City Council is an agency of government, and they work with various federal governments, obviously, so that's that.

CA Coastal Commission
The Boating Clean and Green Campaign is an education and outreach program that promotes environmentally sound boating practices to marine business and boaters in California. The program is conducted by the California Coastal Commission and the California Department of Boating and Waterways.

they helped to make the environmental boating laws. The Coastal department of Boating and Waterways is a state government agency that is also involved and incoorporated into the Boating clean and Green Program.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Blog #21: Chapter 1-4 Gatsby

Gatsby seems like he's new to the environment, like Nick. But Gatsby found a way to become popular and well-known by having parties, and showing everyone around that he was one of the wealthiest guys in the West Egg. Nick, on the other hand, lives in an apartment between the rich people, and keeps to himself. He hangs out with the few people he knows and meets through his already known friends. Nick hangs out with people that have different habits and morals than him, like Tom and Myrtle, or Gatsby and Ms.Baker. Gatsby is surrounded by people that don't really know him, like Nick. They have rumors about Gatsby, and most have never met him, and if they saw him, they wouldn't know who he was. Nick is hanginig out with this people that have lived in new York for a big chunk of their lives, and he's from the mid west. Everyone is absorbed by their money and having fun, he's just like a bystander, and doesn't really deal with the money spending type stuff.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

BLOG #20; The Great Gatsby

The narrator is Nick Carraway. His perspective in the book is like the fly on the wall. He is pretty much following around Tom and narrating what goes on with them [so far]. He's a laid back person that doesn't like when someone's scandalous or treacherous (like Tom acts and like how Myrtle acts). Hes weird, but doesn't like to be rude and judge people without rightfully knowing them. 

2. What do you think F. Scott Fiitzgerald accomplishes by chooses this specific narrator versus another choice, such as a different character or 3rd person?
By choosing Nick as the narrator, there's more of a story. From anyone elses point of view, the story would be twisted. Since he isn't really doing anything, there's nthing to critique or say about himself. And he seems to be everywhere the action is, so when he tells the story, he doesn't really have to lie about himself or the situation, because it didn't really involve him. Idk how to explain it, but like... he was like the fly on the wall watching and recording everything down. Tom wouldv'e acted like he was the good boy, Myrtle would've been the same, Gatsby wasn't there, etc.